Wiese Europe a commencé comme entreprise locale. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes fiers d’être devenus une référence européenne. Cette évolution s’est traduite par de nombreuses citations dans la presse. Nous sommes heureux et extrêmement fiers de les partager avec vous.
Across the river: moving marine loading arms for KLK Emmerich GmbH
Plus d’infoWhy Safety Deserves Your Full Attention – Now And Yesterday
Has safety ever been just a minor talking point in any industry? No, it hasn’t. So far it seems that 2020 will prove no exception to that rule. Instead, it looks like the importance of safety and (fall) prevention will grow to become larger than life in the near future – and with very good reason. Today’s eyes are on the known industry leaders as we expect them to take up a leading role in helping to raise safety awareness. Plus d’infoWhy Safety Deserves Your Full Attention – Now And Yesterday
Has safety ever been just a minor talking point in any industry? No, it hasn’t. So far it seems that 2020 will prove no exception to that rule. Instead, it looks like the importance of safety and (fall) prevention will grow to become larger than life in the near future – and with very good reason. Today’s eyes are on the known industry leaders as we expect them to take up a leading role in helping to raise safety awareness.
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Une pneumatique sûre pour les bras de chargement et les escaliers abattants.
Wiese Europe de Brecht (Sint-Job-in-‘t‑Goor) en Campine est spécialisée dans la fabrication de systèmes pour le transfert de gaz et de liquides. L’entreprise construit des bras de chargement mais aussi des solutions de sécurité collectives antichute comme des nacelles de sécurité, des escaliers abattants et des garde-corps. L’usage de la pneumatique et de l’hydraulique s’avère crucial. Plus d’infoUne pneumatique sûre pour les bras de chargement et les escaliers abattants.
Wiese Europe de Brecht (Sint-Job-in-‘t‑Goor) en Campine est spécialisée dans la fabrication de systèmes pour le transfert de gaz et de liquides. L’entreprise construit des bras de chargement mais aussi des solutions de sécurité collectives antichute comme des nacelles de sécurité, des escaliers abattants et des garde-corps. L’usage de la pneumatique et de l’hydraulique s’avère crucial.
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Fall prevention, not just protection.
Statistics show that around 15% of all industrial accidents are related to working at height, and almost a third of these are caused by a fall of over 2.5m in height. Any technology that can minimise these risks is surely worth considering. Wiese Europe has developed multiple safety systems to help prevent these industrial accidents. Plus d’infoFall prevention, not just protection.
Statistics show that around 15% of all industrial accidents are related to working at height, and almost a third of these are caused by a fall of over 2.5m in height. Any technology that can minimise these risks is surely worth considering. Wiese Europe has developed multiple safety systems to help prevent these industrial accidents.
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Wiese Europe: five values, one vision
Welcome in 1988: the year Chris Jacobs founded Wiese Belgium. The company specializes in loading arms for loading and unloading vessels and container trucks that are carrying fluids. But whose are the faces behind Wiese Europe today? What is their purpose and how do they envision the future? And how are they working today, more than thirty years after the foundation? Discover more about the five values that lie at the base of Wiese Europe. Plus d’infoWiese Europe: five values, one vision
Welcome in 1988: the year Chris Jacobs founded Wiese Belgium. The company specializes in loading arms for loading and unloading vessels and container trucks that are carrying fluids. But whose are the faces behind Wiese Europe today? What is their purpose and how do they envision the future? And how are they working today, more than thirty years after the foundation? Discover more about the five values that lie at the base of Wiese Europe.
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